"If necessity is the mother of invention, play is the father." roger von oech

I recently mused how the ancient Greek’s concept for education (paideia) was almost identical to their concept for play (paidia). They understood that learning comes through playing and that play is essential to creativity.
In the late 80s, I established and operated an in-house ad agency for one of my clients, Master Systems. They manufactured and sold personal computers through mail order and retail stores in the Midwest. I named the agency PAIDIA.
Most of our advertising was serious and straightforward, but as often as possible, I wrote radio spots that were playful and humorous. Below, I’ve included links to two of my favorites. On the day we recorded these commercials, one of the voice actors didn’t show up, and since the studio time was booked — by necessity — I was forced to do voices for the nerdy guy in one commercial and the ungrateful son in the other.
By today’s standards, the descriptions and prices of the computers are almost as comical as the commercials.