“Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.” Benjamin Franklin

Challenge yourself by expanding a current ability, acquiring a new language, mastering a musical instrument, developing a new skill, etc. Don’t settle for accumulating bits of trivia and isolated facts that fade from memory and won’t enrich your life. The goal is not to fill your head with knowledge but to implement and cultivate what you learn. Here are six reasons you should learn every day.
Learning keeps your mind sharp
Learning keeps your brain functioning at a high level. Continuous learning keeps your mind sharp and improves your memory. Since the brain is a muscle, you can keep it in shape by continuing to give it new challenges and opportunities for growth. According to studies, mental facilities are best protected when they’re used often, and perpetual learning can slow the process of dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.
Learning creates an inquisitive mind
The more you learn about history, current events, science, literature and countless other things, the more you’ll want to learn. Your drive and desire to learn will keep you going, constantly looking for more to feed your hungry mind. And as you feed it, you’ll become open to new ideas and points of view, opening a new world of enlightenment.
Learning motivates you to change
Learning will motivate you to get out of the rut of doing the same things the same way. It will inspire you to get back in the driver’s seat and take control of your life. As you explore new roads, life becomes more interesting and the horizon opens up to new possibilities and discoveries. Boredom and the mundane take a backseat as you expand your awareness, embrace self-fulfillment and create an adventurous, multi-dimensional life.
Learning benefits the lives of others
It’s been shown that people involved in lifelong learning are more inclined to support community organizations such as libraries, museums, public schools, universities and parks … and so will you. Hitting closer to home, setting the example as a learner in front of children sets them up for academic successful and a lifetime of continuing education. Working alongside others, toward individual goals, will increase the chances that you all will succeed!
Learning opens doors to new friendships
Many learning situations provide the opportunity for you to meet people. Whether online or at a school or community center, there are classes on cooking, photography, writing, computing, dancing and hundreds of other things. Your involvement will open the door to forge new friendships and enjoy an active social life centered around something you enjoy doing.
Learning builds your confidence
Self-confidence is contingent on the level of trust you place in yourself and your level of competence, which comes from the knowledge, experience and skills you possess. Learning not only helps you gain confidence in who you are and what you have to offer, it gives you the confidence to share your expertise with others.