“To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.” George MacDonald

I met Ralph Speas in 1984 when he was on staff at Eastwood Baptist Church in Tulsa. For several months, I traveled back and forth from Oklahoma City to Tulsa working on a new logo, branding and a capital fundraising campaign to expand the church’s facilities. About eight years later, our paths crossed again at First Southern Baptist Church in Del City, Oklahoma. Ralph was the Minister of Education, and my family joined the church after a recent move to eastern Oklahoma City. Through the years, Ralph has brought me in on countless projects for First Southern and beyond. One of our first projects at First Southern was a Bible study correspondence course called “Life’s Greatest Lessons.” For six years (September 1998 – August 2004), we produced a monthly magazine for the church called “The Family.” Coming full circle in 2002, I worked with Ralph on another capital fundraising campaign; this time for First Southern. Beginning in 2003, the church started Meridian University of Biblical Training. Since then, the school has expanded its scope and mission, and Ralph continues as its president.

Eastwood Baptist Church logo design in 1984.

Hand drawn nameplate for church newsletter.

The Next Step was a capital fundraising brochure for a new building at Eastwood Baptist Church. It used a running theme to emphasize completing the race and finishing well.

The Family was a full color monthly magazine produced by First Southern Del City for six years. Click here to see all 60 covers and a large selection of pages.

The cover of a Bible Study book.

My Utmost for His Highest was a capital fundraising campaign to build a new gym and multi-purpose facility for First Southern Del City.

In 2003, First Southern started Meridian University to provide college level Bible courses for laypeople and pastors. It would evolve into a worldwide biblical training and church planting ministry.

An updated and redesigned edition of a previously published book.

In 2018, after a move from Tulsa back to Oklahoma City, Meridian’s logo and publications were rebranded.
Meridian’s monthly newsletter was changed to an online format. Click on the image to read it.

Wristbands were designed to share the story of the Bible ‒ from Creation through the Old Testament ‒ the Gospel story to the return of Christ. The imagery is basic, so the symbols can be easily memorized and sketched when presenting the Gospel without using a bracelet.
Ralph’s trust followed me through the years, and it was a joy to rebrand Meridian University as it approached its 20th anniversary of Bible education and church planting.